With a well-trained staff of more than 1,000 employees, we rely on the most modern sales and marketing management tools to reach our goals.
Our entire logistic network is HACCP- certified (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), and complies with local health regulations and international standards. We believe in data retrieval, and in sharing it with our partners. Accordingly, our ERP system supports the entire network of import, sales, distribution and marketing, and helps to deliver orders within 24 hours to the client from our centrally located, purpose-built warehouse network in Dubai Industrial City.
The distribution and marketing of multinational brands in consumer foods remains at the core of LIFCO’s business. Steered by a long-term vision and strategic drive by the management, the Group has been able to achieve targeted success throughout the last couple of decades by eliciting cohesive support and dedication from its strong team members, who come from18 different countries.
We are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and believe in cohesiveness in diversity, a culture that has been nurtured by LIFCO.
We’ve been helping customers live well by providing quality products and services.
We help retail clients win in competitive markets by giving them the edge in speed, reliability and responsiveness for their supply chains.
LIFCO experts have years of experience in assembling agile networks that keep costs low while making sure that products are delivered in the most effective and efficient way possible.